Idea One
Card Game
Communicate- different elements = similar to pictionary - evolve from pictures to words.
-Similar to “Heads up” just words, pictures, etc.
-Prompted to communicate idea on card- using certain medium: words, drawing, music
-Cards you pick up, has a word on it (each person uses a different medium to communicate the word)
-Two stacks of cards: one that is of the subject: words, the other is which medium you can use to communicate
Idea Two
Video Game
Self-assess + Adapt - competing with themselves, based on previous action - future action result
-Person lived their life over and over again - until they get it right
-Only one piece of information you can take into the next life
-Certain amount of time left to live - take information they learned in the time period into the next life.
-Living the same week over and over again until you get it right
Idea Three
Real Life Game
Adapt + Collaboration - Escape - 2 parts
-Similar in concept to an escape room
-In the first room you are given information and knowledge
-In the second room you have to figure out how to use what you learned in the first room to escape